Post 6: Carrer-related website or an expert on you field

Hi everybody! In this post i´m going to talk about a website that is very useful for geographical field. This website is "explorador cr2". Here's the link:
In this website you can view some variables like precipitation, stream flow or minimun and maximum temperature values. These date are collected by weather stations located in different points around our country and also in different points in Southamerica, Antartica, and Polinesian islands. You can view these data through out the years and compare in different periods of time.
Don't know how it works this website, there are section about how the website works. In this section are some explanatory videos for newbies.
I don't visit frequently this website, but last weeks I have visited to compare the precipitation of this year with the precipitation of previous years. I like this website because is very useful for my field, for example, it give us hard data which enable us to understand the effects of climate change.


  1. that webpage i very useful, love it!

  2. Woooow Sounds really interesting. I was not a weather girl, but lately I have approached to the subject, so I will explore the page!


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