Post 1: My autobiography

My name is Josue Cubillos, I was born in Santiago of Chile. I'm 28 years old, my birthday is in August. I did my primary studies in “San Fernando” school of Peñalolén, my secondary studies in the industrial high school “Chileno Alemán” of Ñuñoa where I graduated of electronics technician. I did my university studies in two places, first in Umce where I studied pedagogy in history and geography and I currently study geography at University of Chile.
I live with my mother, my older sister and my younger brother also my cat and my dog.
I like to practice sports like football, basquetball, tenis and I love to practice outdoor activities like trekking, trail and camping, also I’m starting in sport climbing. One of my favourite outdoor hobbies is watching and recognize birds.


  1. Hello my friend. When I read you auto biography I noticed that i didnt mention my dogs at all and I felt horrible. I think its great what you do in your outdoor activities, mainly about birds. Love u!!

  2. Cheers! I'm the "weon del medio" too hahaha LOL

  3. As soon as we get out of quarantine we will camp at hill uwu

  4. Hi! I also like outdoor activities, we owe a nice travel when the coronavirus ends


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